When searching for resources related to intervention or treatment of autism the best place to begin is with evidenced based practices. There are the are two national centers on evidence-based practices for ASD.
National Autism Center
“The National Autism Center is May Institute’s Center for the Promotion of Evidence-based Practice. It is dedicated to serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by providing reliable information, promoting best practices, and offering comprehensive resources for families, practitioners, and communities. An advocate for evidence-based intervention approaches, the National Autism Center identifies effective programming and shares practical information with families and practitioners about how to respond to the challenges they face. The Center also conducts applied research and develops training and service models for practitioners.”
“Finally, the Center works to shape public policy concerning ASD and its intervention through the development and dissemination of national standards of practice. Guided by a Professional Advisory Board, the Center brings concerned constituents together to help individuals with ASD and their families pursue a better quality of life.”
For more information on the NAC EBP:http://www.nationalautismcenter.org/
National Professional Development Center on ASD (North Carolina Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham)
“The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder (NPDC) was funded by the Office of Special Education Programs in the US Department of Education from 2007-2014. The work of the NPDC was a collaboration among three universities—the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and the MIND Institute, University of California-Davis. The goal of the NPDC was to promote the use of evidence-based practices (EBPs) for children and youth with ASD, birth to 22 years of age. This was accomplished through a comprehensive professional development process at state and local levels.”
“Since 2007, the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder (NPDC) has worked to develop free professional resources for teachers, therapists, and technical assistance providers who work with individuals with ASD. Resources include detailed information on how to plan, implement, and monitor specific evidence-based practices.”
For more information on the NPDC EBPs: http://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu/node/21